Charles Scott Sherrington
1857 - 1952

- Born
27 November 1857
Islingon, London, England
- Died
Olinda, 12 Grassington Road, Eastbourne, Sussex, England
- Nationality
- British
- Gender
- Male
- Date of election for Royal Society fellowship
- 01/06/1893
- Age at the time of election for Royal Society fellowship
- 36
- Occupation
- Physiologist
- Relationships
- Parents: Norton Sherrington, who died while his children were young, and Anne Brookes Sherrington (d. 1907), of Great Yarmouth, who remarried Dr Caleb Rose of Ipswich. Spouse: Ethel Mary, daughter of John Ely Wright of Preston Manor, Suffolk (died 13 May 1933). Children: One son.
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Author of
Paper, 'Preliminary report on the pathology of Cholera Asiatica (as observed in Spain, 1885)' by Charles Smart Roy, J Graham Brown and Charles Scott Sherrington
Creator: Charles Smart Roy, Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: PP/9/1 -
Paper, 'Note on the anatomy of Asiatic cholera as exemplified in cases occurring in Italy in 1886' by C S [Charles Scott] Sherrington
Creator: Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: PP/10/57 -
Paper, 'Note on the functional and structural arrangement of efferent fibres in the nerve-roots of the lumbo-sacral plexus. (Preliminary communication)' by Charles Scott Sherrington
Creator: Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: PP/19/4 -
Paper, 'Note on the knee-jerk and the correlation of action of antagonistic muscles' by Charles Scott Sherrington
Creator: Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: PP/20/32 -
Paper, 'Further experimental note on the correlation of action of antagonistic muscles' by Charles Scott Sherrington
Creator: Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: PP/21/11 -
Paper, 'Note on some changes in the blood of the general circulation consequent upon certain inflammations of an acute local character' by C S [Charles Scott] Sherrington
Creator: Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: PP/23/10
Referee of
Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'A contribution to the study of I., some of the decussating tracts of the mid- and inter-brain, and II., of the pyramidal system in the mesencephalon and bulb' by Rubert William Boyce
Creator: Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: RR/12/62 -
Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Record of experiments illustrative of the symptomatology and degenerations following lesions of the cerebellum and its peduncles and related structures in monkeys' by David Ferrier and W Aldren Turner
Creator: Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: RR/12/102 -
Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'On the coelomic fluid of Lumbricus terrestris in reference to a protective mechanism' by Lim Boon Keng
Creator: Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: RR/12/143 -
Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Sur les champignon du paludisme [malaria]' by Konbassoff
Creator: Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: RR/12/153 -
Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The pathology of the oedema which accompanies passive congestion' by Walter Sydney Lazarus-Barlow
Creator: Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: RR/12/165 -
Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Experimental researches into the functions of the cerebellum' by J S Risien Russell
Creator: Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: RR/12/216