Robert Boyle
1627 - 1691

- Born
25 January 1627
Lismore Castle, Munster, Ireland, Europe
- Died
30 December 1691
London, England, Europe
- Nationality
- British
- Gender
- Male
- Date of election for Royal Society fellowship
- 28/11/1660
- Age at the time of election for Royal Society fellowship
- 33
- Relationships
- Parents: Richard Boyle, first Earl of Cork, and Catherine Fenton Siblings: thirteen surviving, incl. Richard Boyle, first Earl of Burlington and second Earl of Cork; Katherine Jones, Viscountess Ranelagh; Roger Boyle, first Earl of Orrery; Mary Rich, Countess of Warwick Additional relatives: nephews Richard Boyle (FRS 1663); Charles Boyle (FRS 1685); Viscount Dungarvan (FRS 1664); Richard Jones, 1st Earl of Ranelagh (FRS 1663)
- Catalogue
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- Wikipedia
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Author of
Paper, 'Some new experiments about light and aire' by Robert Boyle
Creator: Robert Boyle Reference number: CLP/4i/20 -
Paper, 'Account of great haile fallen in France' by Robert Boyle
Creator: Robert Boyle Reference number: CLP/4i/48 -
Paper, 'An account of R Boyle's way of examining waters as to freshnes and saltnes' by Robert Boyle
Creator: Robert Boyle Reference number: CLP/6/51 -
Paper, observations of Mr Clayton's diamond by Robert Boyle
Creator: Robert Boyle Reference number: CLP/9i/11 -
Paper, 'An historical account of a strangely self-moving liquor' by [Robert] Boyle
Creator: Robert Boyle Reference number: CLP/11i/31
Recipient of
Paper, ['The method observed in transfusing the bloud out of one live animal into another'] by [Richard Lower]
Creator: Richard Lower Reference number: CLP/12i/7 -
Extract of a letter, from unknown author, to Robert Boyle
Reference number: EL/B1/79
Most frequently corresponded with
Henry Oldenburg
115 letters -
David Thomas
49 letters -
Israel Conradt
1 letter