Augustus Desire Waller
1856 - 1922

- Born
12 July 1856
Paris, France
- Died
- Gender
- Male
- Date of election for Royal Society fellowship
- 02/06/1892
- Relationships
- Son of Augustus Volney Waller (FRS 1851)
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Author of
Unpublished paper, 'Note on a paper "On mechanical and electrical response in plants" by Jagadis Chunder Bose, Professor, Presidency College, Calcutta' by Augustus D Waller
Creator: Augustus Desire Waller Reference number: AP/76/4 -
Paper, 'On the alterations of the excitability of the sensory nerves of man by the passage of a galvanic current' by Augustus Desire Waller and A de Watteville
Creator: Augustus Desire Waller Reference number: PP/2/31 -
Referee's report by Arthur William Rucker, on a paper 'On the electromotive changes connected with the beat of the mammalian heart, and of the human heart in particular' by Augustus Desire Waller
Creator: Arthur William Rücker Reference number: RR/10/229 -
Referee's report by Walter Holbrook Gaskell, on a paper 'On the electromotive changes connected with the beat of the mammalian heart, and of the human heart in particular' by Augustus Desire Waller
Creator: Walter Holbrook Gaskell Reference number: RR/10/231 -
Second referee's report by Arthur William Rucker, on a paper 'On the electromotive changes connected with the beat of the mammalian heart, and of the human heart in particular' by Augustus Desire Waller
Creator: Arthur William Rücker Reference number: RR/10/232
Referee of
Referee's report by Augustus Desire Waller, on a paper 'On the calibration of the capillary electrometer' by George James Bruch
Creator: Augustus Desire Waller Reference number: RR/13/14 -
Referee's report by Augustus Desire Waller, on a paper 'The electromotive properties of the electrical organ of Malapterurus electricus' by Francis Gotch and George James Bruch
Creator: Augustus Desire Waller Reference number: RR/13/26 -
Referee's report by Augustus Desire Waller, on a paper 'A study of the phenomena and causation of heat-contraction of skeletal muscle' by Thomas Gregor Brodie and S W F Richardson
Creator: Augustus Desire Waller Reference number: RR/13/171 -
Referee's report by Augustus Desire Waller, on a paper 'An experimental research upon cerebro-cortical afferent and efferent tracts' by David Ferrier and W Aldren Turner
Creator: Augustus Desire Waller Reference number: RR/13/178 -
Referee's report by Augustus Desiré Waller, on a paper 'On artificial temporary colour-blindness, with an examination of the colour sensations of 109 persons' by George James Burch
Creator: Augustus Desire Waller Reference number: RR/14/13 -
Referee's report by Augustus Desiré Waller, on a paper 'The colour sensations in terms of luminosity' by William De Wiveleslie Abney
Creator: Augustus Desire Waller Reference number: RR/14/111