Karl Pearson
1857 - 1936
- Born
27 March 1857
London, England
- Died
Coldharbour, Surrey
- Nationality
- British
- Gender
- Male
- Date of election for Royal Society fellowship
- 04/06/1896
- Relationships
- Father William Pearson K.C. (d.1907) barrister, and mother Fanny Smith (d.1907). Married: 1) Maria Sharpe (1890); 2) Margaret Victor Child (1929). One son and two daughters to his first marriage, his son Egon Sharpe Pearson (FRS 1966).
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Author of
Unpublished paper, 'On the kinetic accumulation of stress, illustrated by the theory of impulsive torsion' by Karl Pearson
Creator: Karl Pearson Reference number: AP/74/10 -
Referee's report by George Howard Darwin, on a paper 'Contributions to the mathematical theory of evolution' by Karl Pearson
Creator: George Howard Darwin Reference number: RR/12/11 -
Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'Contributions to the mathematical theory of evolution' by Karl Pearson
Creator: Francis Galton Reference number: RR/12/12 -
Referee's report by George Howard Darwin, on a paper 'Contributions to the mathematical theory of evolution.—II. Skew variation in homogeneous material' by Karl Pearson
Creator: George Howard Darwin Reference number: RR/12/205 -
Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper [attributed] 'Contributions to the mathematical theory of evolution.—II. Skew variation in homogeneous material' by Karl Pearson
Creator: Francis Galton Reference number: RR/12/369 -
Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'Mathematical contributions to the theory of evolution.—III. Regression, heredity, and panmixia' by Karl Pearson
Creator: Francis Galton Reference number: RR/13/94
Referee of
Referee's report by Karl Pearson, on a paper 'On the geometrical treatment of the 'normal curve' of statistics, with especial reference to correlation and to the theory of error' by W F Sheppard
Creator: Karl Pearson Reference number: RR/13/266 -
Referee's report by Karl Pearson, on a paper 'Experimental researches on the deflections of bent beams' by Louis Napoleon George Filon
Creator: Karl Pearson Reference number: RR/14/158 -
Detailed referee's report by Karl Pearson, on a paper 'Experimental researches on the deflections of bent beams' by Louis Napoleon George Filon
Creator: Karl Pearson Reference number: RR/14/159 -
Referee's report by Karl Pearson, on a paper 'The elastic equilibrium of circular cylinders under certain practical systems of load' by Louis Napoleon George Filon
Creator: Karl Pearson Reference number: RR/15/189 -
Referee's report by Karl Pearson, on two papers 'On a property which holds good for all groupings of a normal distribution of frequency for two variables, with applications to the study of contingency-tables for the inheritance of unmeasured qualities' and 'On the influence of bias and of personal equation in statistics of ill-defined qualities: An experimental study' by George Udny Yule
Creator: Karl Pearson Reference number: RR/16/415 -
Referee's report by Karl Pearson, on a paper 'Experiments on inheritance in parthenogenesis' by Wilfred Eade Agar
Creator: Karl Pearson Reference number: RR/21/2
Recipient of
Letter from George Howard Darwin, on a paper 'On the significance of Bravais' formulæ for regression, in the case of skew correlation' by George Udny Yule to Karl Pearson
Creator: George Howard Darwin Reference number: RR/13/160