William Watson
1715 - 1787

- Born
03 April 1715
St John's Street, near Smithfield, London, England
- Died
10 May 1787
- Nationality
- British
- Gender
- Male
- Date of election for Royal Society fellowship
- 09/04/1741
- Fields of Interest
- Chemistry
- Catalogue
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Author of
Letter, 'Some observations on Mr Sutton's invention to extract the foul air from the well and other parts of ships' from William Watson to Martin Folkes
Creator: William Watson Reference number: L&P/1/76 -
Paper, 'An account of Enumeratio methodica stirprum Helvetiae indigenarum by Albert Haller' by William Watson
Creator: William Watson Reference number: L&P/1/159 -
Letter, 'About Mr Pickering's paper on the seeds of mushrooms' from William Watson to the Royal Society
Creator: William Watson Reference number: L&P/1/229 -
Paper, 'Dutch soldiers poisoned by boil'd Hemlock' by William Watson
Creator: William Watson Reference number: L&P/1/288 -
Letter, 'Observations on mushrooms' from William Watson to the Royal Society
Creator: William Watson Reference number: L&P/1/294 -
Letter, 'Report on Mr Lowndes salt' from William Watson to the Royal Society
Creator: William Watson Reference number: L&P/1/326
Recipient of
Unpublished letter and paper, on medical electricity by John Birch
Creator: John Birch Reference number: AP/5/9 -
Letter, 'On the production of salts' from Richard Brocklesby to William Watson
Creator: Richard Brocklesby Reference number: L&P/1/472 -
Letter, 'Concerning electricity' from Louis Elizabeth de la Vergne, Count of Tresson to William Watson
Creator: Louis Elizabeth de la Vergne Reference number: L&P/2/35 -
Letter, 'Further experiments of the platina' from William Brownrigg to William Watson
Creator: William Brownrigg Reference number: L&P/2/107 -
Letter, 'Of ash-manna gathered near Naples' from Robert More to William Watson
Creator: Robert More Reference number: L&P/2/149 -
Letter, 'Of electricity from the clouds, anent the experiments of Franklin' from Jean Antoine Nollet to William Watson
Creator: Jean Antoine Nollet Reference number: L&P/2/307
Most frequently corresponded with
John Frederick William Herschel
15 letters