Robert Henry Scott
1833 - 1916
- Born
28 January 1833
Dublin, Ireland
- Died
- Nationality
- British
- Gender
- Male
- Date of election for Royal Society fellowship
- 02/06/1870
- Fields of Interest
- Meteorology
- Relationships
- Youngest son of James Smyth Scott QC and his wife Louisa, daughter of Charles Broderick, Archbishop of Cashel; married Louisa, daughter of the Hon W Stewart, Island Secretary of Jamaica
- Catalogue
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- Wikipedia
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Author of
Unpublished tables, regarding air currents by Robert H [Henry] Scott
Creator: Robert Henry Scott Reference number: AP/51/13 -
Unpublished paper, 'The diurnal range of rain at seven observatories in connection with the meteorological office' by R H [Robert Henry] Scott
Creator: Robert Henry Scott Reference number: AP/74/6 -
Paper, 'Note on a series of barometrical disturbances which passed over Europe between the 27th and the 31st of August, 1883' by Robert H [Henry] Scott
Creator: Robert Henry Scott Reference number: PP/4/9 -
Paper, 'On the working of the harmonic analyser at the meteorological office' by Robert Henry Scott and Richard H Curtis
Creator: Robert Henry Scott Reference number: PP/8/27 -
Paper, 'The variability of the temperature of the British Isles 1869—1883 inclusive' by Robert H [Henry] Scott
Creator: Robert Henry Scott Reference number: PP/15/24 -
Referee's report by Henry Francis Blanford, on a paper 'The variability of the temperature of the British Isles, 1869—1883, inclusive' by Robert Henry Scott
Creator: Henry Francis Blanford Reference number: RR/10/376
Referee of
Referee's report by Robert Henry Scott, on a paper 'The diurnal variations of the wind and barometric pressure at Bombay' by F Chambers
Creator: Robert Henry Scott Reference number: RR/7/227 -
Referee's report by Robert Henry Scott, on a paper 'The winds of Northern India, in relation to the temperature and vapour-constituent of the atmosphere' by Henry Francis Blanford
Creator: Robert Henry Scott Reference number: RR/7/286 -
Referee's report by Robert Henry Scott, on a paper 'Reduction of anemograms taken at the armagh observatory in the years 1857-63' by Thomas Romney Robinson
Creator: Robert Henry Scott Reference number: RR/7/400 -
Referee's report by Robert Henry Scott, on a paper 'The diurnal variations of the wind and barometric pressure' by Frederick Chambers
Creator: Robert Henry Scott Reference number: RR/7/443 -
Referee's report by Robert Henry Scott, on a paper 'The relationship of the activity of vesuvius to certain meteorological and astronomical phenomena' by H J Johnston-Lavis
Creator: Robert Henry Scott Reference number: RR/9/369