Letter from John Edward Lennard-Jones, on a paper 'A modified method of antisymmetrized molecular orbitals. Parts I, II & III' by W Moffitt and J Scalan, to David Brunt
Reference number: RR/75/68
Date: 07 March 1951

Paper reference code: A60, A61, A62
Lennard-Jones comments he would like to look through the papers sent as they in his field, however as this is a 'major task' with over 70 pages of 'heavy reading' he would be unable to get to them within the next month. However suggests if he is able to 'enlist' the help of his research students (Hall and Pople) he may be able to deal with the papers as soon as possible.
Written at The university Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge [England].
[Parts I and II were published in Proceedings A, 1951. Part III was withdrawn].
Endorsed on recto as received 8 March 1951.
- Reference number
- RR/75/68
- Earliest possible date
- 07 March 1951
- Physical description
- Letter on paper
- Page extent
- 1 page
- Format
- Typescript
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Letter from John Edward Lennard-Jones, on a paper 'A modified method of antisymmetrized molecular orbitals. Parts I, II & III' by W Moffitt and J Scalan, to David Brunt, 07 March 1951, RR/75/68, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/rr_75_68/letter-from-john-edward-lennard-jones-on-a-paper-a-modified-method-of-antisymmetrized-molecular-orbitals-parts-i-ii-iii-by-w-moffitt-and-j-scalan-to-david-brunt, accessed on 08 February 2025
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The electronic structure of the oxygen molecule External link, opens in new tab.
Date: 2nd December 1951
DOI: 10.1098/rspa.1951.0243
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This item is part of:
Referees' reports on scientific papers submitted to the Royal Society for publication
1831- Reference number: RR -
Referees' reports: volume 75, peer reviews of scientific papers submitted to the Royal Society for publication
1951 Reference number: RR/75
Related Fellows
John Edward Lennard-Jones
Creator -
David Brunt
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Referee Reports
Date: 1832-1954
This collection contains reports on scientific papers submitted for publication to the Royal Society. Started in 1832 when the system was formalised, it is a record of the origins of peer review publishing in practice.View collection