Letter from Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The reaction between carbon monoxide and oxygen on cuprous oxide at room temperature' by William Edward Garner, F S Stone and P F Tiley, to D C Martin
Reference number: RR/75/287
Date: 22 November 1951

Paper reference code: A249
Rideal writes: 'My dear Martin, Many thanks for your letter of the 21st November concerning Garner's remarks on my observations. I do not feel the matter is completely settled, but, nevertheless, we are all entitled to our thoughts. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, Eric K Rideal'.
Written at the University of London, King's College, Department of Physical Chemistry, Strand [England].
[Published in Proceedings A, 1952].
Endorsed on recto as received 24 November 1951.
- Reference number
- RR/75/287
- Earliest possible date
- 22 November 1951
- Physical description
- Letter on paper
- Page extent
- 1 page
- Format
- Typescript
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Eric Keightley Rideal, Letter from Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The reaction between carbon monoxide and oxygen on cuprous oxide at room temperature' by William Edward Garner, F S Stone and P F Tiley, to D C Martin, 22 November 1951, RR/75/287, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/rr_75_287/letter-from-eric-keightley-rideal-on-a-paper-the-reaction-between-carbon-monoxide-and-oxygen-on-cuprous-oxide-at-room-temperature-by-william-edward-garner-f-s-stone-and-p-f-tiley-to-d-c-martin, accessed on 16 February 2025
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Related Publications
The reaction between carbon monoxide and oxygen on cuprous oxide at room temperature External link, opens in new tab.
Date: 2nd March 1952
DOI: 10.1098/rspa.1952.0053
Related Records
Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The reaction between carbon monoxide and oxygen on cuprous oxide at room temperature' by William Edward Garner, F S Stone and P F Tiley
Creator: Eric Keightley Rideal Reference number: RR/75/286
This item is part of:
Referees' reports on scientific papers submitted to the Royal Society for publication
1831- Reference number: RR -
Referees' reports: volume 75, peer reviews of scientific papers submitted to the Royal Society for publication
1951 Reference number: RR/75
Related Fellows
Eric Keightley Rideal
Referee -
William Edward Garner
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Referee Reports
Date: 1832-1954
This collection contains reports on scientific papers submitted for publication to the Royal Society. Started in 1832 when the system was formalised, it is a record of the origins of peer review publishing in practice.View collection