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Sectional Committee: Physiology

The communicator responds to the criticisms of the report. As the work covers three years, the paper 'cannot of necessity be a short one'. As for presenting the results in tabular form 'we believe this procedure, although followed in some American papers of inferior finish, and rarely adopted in German papers or elsewhere, is really false economy', and very time consuming. Thinks that publication with the results presented as they stand, is most desirable.

[Published in the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society of London']

No received date.

Reference number
Earliest possible date
16 February 1945
Physical description
Letter on paper
Page extent
2 pages

Creator name

Arthur James Ewins

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Arthur James Ewins, Letter to Arthur James Ewins, regarding a paper 'Experimental chemotherapy of typhus Anti-rickettsial action of p-sulphonamidobenzamidine and related compounds' by Christopher Howard Andrewes, Harold King and James Walker, 16 February 1945, RR/68/428, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 11 February 2025

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