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Containing referee's reports arranged alphabetically by the lead author of the paper submitted to the Royal Society for review in 1940.

Notable referees and authors include Charles Maurice Yonge, Edward Crisp Bullard and Harold Munro Fox.

When report is on a standardised form (E), the questions are:
1. Whether or not the paper should be read before the Society
2. Whether the paper contains contributions to knowledge of sufficient scientific interest for the space required
3. Whether any portions or illustrations of the paper are redundant
4. Whether it should be published by the Society
5. Whether it should be published in 'Philosophical Transactions' or 'Proceedings'
6.Whether it could be published by some other body
7. General remarks

Reference number
Earliest possible date
Physical description
Loose paper in folders
Page extent
Two boxes reports 1-220; reports 221-438

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Referees' reports: volume 67, peer reviews of scientific papers submitted to the Royal Society for publication, 1940, RR/67, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 15 October 2024

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