Referee's report by William Bulloch, on a paper 'Studies on the nature of the immunity reaction. Part II. - A comparison of the antigenic properties of sensitised and raw pneumococcal vaccines' by Richard R Armstrong
Reference number: RR/32/15
Date: April 1925
Sectional committee: Physiology
This paper and Part I of the paper are not recommended for publication in Philosophical Transactions or Proceedings. They contain 'very little that is substantially new. The papers should be rewritten and 'greatly curtailed'.
[Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 1925].
Endorsed on verso as received 30 April 1925.
- Reference number
- RR/32/15
- Earliest possible date
- April 1925
- Physical description
- Standaridsed form (type D)`
- Page extent
- 2 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
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William Bulloch, Referee's report by William Bulloch, on a paper 'Studies on the nature of the immunity reaction. Part II. - A comparison of the antigenic properties of sensitised and raw pneumococcal vaccines' by Richard R Armstrong, April 1925, RR/32/15, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 14 October 2024
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Related Publications
Studies on the nature of the immunity reaction.—II. A comparison of the antigenic properties of sensitised and raw pneumococcal vaccines External link, opens in new tab.
Date: 2nd November 1925
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.1925.0058
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Referee's report by William Bulloch, on a paper 'Studies on the nature of the immunity reaction. Part I - An experimental study of pneumococcal immunity' by Richard R Armstrong
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This item is part of:
Referees' reports on scientific papers submitted to the Royal Society for publication
1831- Reference number: RR -
Referees' reports: volume 32, peer reviews of scientific papers submitted to the Royal Society for publication
1925 Reference number: RR/32
Related Fellows
William Bulloch
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Referee Reports
Date: 1832-1954
This collection contains reports on scientific papers submitted for publication to the Royal Society. Started in 1832 when the system was formalised, it is a record of the origins of peer review publishing in practice.View collection