Referee's report by George Biddell Airy, on a paper 'Report of observations made upon the tides in the Irish Sea, and upon the great similarity of tidal phenomena of the Irish and English Channels, and the importance of extending the experiments round the Land's End and up the English Channel. Embodied in a letter to the hydrographer' by Frederick William Beechey
Reference number: RR/1/22
Date: 29 February 1848

Recommended for publication in Philosophical Transactions, as it is 'one of the most important papers on tidal observations' that the referee has seen.
Subject: Geography
[Published in Philosophical Transactions, 1862].
- Reference number
- RR/1/22
- Earliest possible date
- 29 February 1848
- Physical description
- Letter on paper
- Page extent
- 3 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
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George Biddell Airy, Referee's report by George Biddell Airy, on a paper 'Report of observations made upon the tides in the Irish Sea, and upon the great similarity of tidal phenomena of the Irish and English Channels, and the importance of extending the experiments round the Land's End and up the English Channel. Embodied in a letter to the hydrographer' by Frederick William Beechey, 29 February 1848, RR/1/22, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 08 February 2025
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Related Publications
VI. Report of observations made upon the tides in the Irish Sea, and upon the great similarity of tidal phenomena of the Irish and English Channels, and the importance of extending the experiments round the Land's End and up the English Channel. Embodied in a letter to the hydrographer External link, opens in new tab.
Date: 31st December 1848
DOI: 10.1098/rstl.1848.0006
Related Records
Paper, 'Report of experiments made upon the tides in the Irish Sea, and upon the great similarity of tidal phenomena between the Irish and English Channels, and the importance of extending the experiments round the lands end and up the English Channel' in a letter from Captain F W [Frederick William] Beechey to the Hydrographer [Francis Beaufort]
Creator: Frederick William Beechey Reference number: PT/34/6
This item is part of:
Referees' reports on scientific papers submitted to the Royal Society for publication
1831- Reference number: RR -
Referees' reports: volume 1, peer reviews of scientific papers submitted to the Royal Society for publication
1832-1849 Reference number: RR/1
Related Fellows
George Biddell Airy
Referee -
Frederick William Beechey
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Referee Reports
Date: 1832-1954
This collection contains reports on scientific papers submitted for publication to the Royal Society. Started in 1832 when the system was formalised, it is a record of the origins of peer review publishing in practice.View collection