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Referee's report by William Abbott Herdman, on a paper ['On a method of using the tow-net as an opening and closing tow-net'] by George Robert Milne Murray

Reference number: RR/16/214

Date: 07 January 1905


Sectional Committee: [Zoology]

The paper isn't either in subject matter or treatment, worthy of the Royal Society. It may be quite true that a common open tow-net used in the manner described will act approximately as a closing net, but Herdman is not sure that this information is new and it can scarcely be called an instrument of precision. It may give a rough and ready approximation but he would not like to base any important conclusions as to distribution upon its results. It may be useful to let naturalists know that in the absence of anything better a common open tow-net can be used in this manner, but he recommends the author sends a letter to Nature rather than a paper to the Royal Society.

[Not published]

Endorsed as received 10 January 1905.

Reference number
Earliest possible date
07 January 1905
Physical description
Letter on paper
Page extent
2 pages

Creator name

William Abbott Herdman

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William Abbott Herdman, Referee's report by William Abbott Herdman, on a paper ['On a method of using the tow-net as an opening and closing tow-net'] by George Robert Milne Murray, 07 January 1905, RR/16/214, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 17 February 2025

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