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Sectional Committee: [Botany and Physiology]

In answer to his correspondent's letter with reference to Bose's paper, and the facts brought before the Physiological Committee, Bayliss has compared the paper with that in the 'Journal of the Linnean Society' and those of Dr Augustus Desire Waller. Bayliss was aware of these papers which all deal with the electrical response. From his point of view the mechanical response and the facts brought forward are essentially new and of additional value since they are illustrated. That part of the paper dealing with the electric response is devoted to the question of the velocity of transmission of the excitation, a subject not dealt with by Waller, nor Bose, in previous papers. Bayliss cannot find Bose's new facts in Waller's paper and cannot decide the question of priority as to the Linnean paper. Discusses priority briefly and states that as Waller's work was known to Bose it is certainly true that he ought to have referred to it more fully. The fact of certain apparatus being similar to that used in Waller's laboratory might be inserted into Bose's paper. Reference to Waller's similar work ought to be made in Section VI of the paper. Bayliss still recommends that the paper be published in the 'Philosophical Transactions' since he does not find that it has appeared previously either in full nor in substance.

[Not published].

Endorsed on recto as received 19 May 1904.

Reference number
Earliest possible date
18 May 1904
Physical description
Letter on paper
Page extent
4 pages

Creator name

William Maddock Bayliss

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William Maddock Bayliss, Referee's report by William Maddock Bayliss, on a paper 'Mechanical and electrical response in plants' by Jagadis Chunder Bose, 18 May 1904, RR/16/14, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 17 February 2025

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