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Referee's report by Joseph David Everett, on a paper 'Preliminary note on a method of calculating solubilities, and the equilibrium constants of chemical reactions, and on a formula for the latent heats of vaporisation' by Alexander Findlay

Reference number: RR/15/335a

Date: February 1902


Sectional committee: Not stated

Is unsure whether the paper should be published. Notes that some symbols used in the paper's equations require greater clarification in their meaning. Some of the notation is also inconvenient and confusing. The tables in the paper are puzzling as the mode of obtaining the numbers entered in the various columns is not expressly stated. The double statement of Ramsay and Young's law on the first page is puzzling, until one finds out that '+c' denotes the same thing as '-b'.

The paper contains matter of value but this is obscured by the mode of presentation. Queries if the author could recast the paper if provided with these comments. It would be better if the heading 'determined' over some of the columns were changed to 'observed'. He thinks the latter part of the paper from heading three, page nine, deals with a different class of calculation and its introduction breaks the unity of the paper. Some of the chemical aspects of the paper are out with his knowledge.

[Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1901].

Endorsed on verso as received 25 February 1902.

Reference number
Earliest possible date
February 1902
Physical description
Report on paper
Page extent
4 pages

Creator name

Joseph David Everett

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Joseph David Everett, Referee's report by Joseph David Everett, on a paper 'Preliminary note on a method of calculating solubilities, and the equilibrium constants of chemical reactions, and on a formula for the latent heats of vaporisation' by Alexander Findlay, February 1902, RR/15/335a, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 08 February 2025

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