Referee's report by George James Burch, on a paper 'The application of Maxwell's curves to three colour work, with especial reference to the nature of the inks to be employed' by Reginald S Clay
Reference number: RR/15/170
Date: 09 May 1901

Sectional committee: Physics and chemistry
Recommended for publication in 'Proceedings, in part.Pages 30-34 should be omitted as they relate to experiments proposed but not yet carried out. Details of manipulation which are purely accidental and of no interest to the research such as on page 56, should be omitted. Some of the tables, especially between pages 48-64 might be omitted, and the remarks appended to them given as explanation of the curves. The tables on pages 44 and 45 should be rearranged and those on page 62 and 71 are not of abiding interest. The figure on page five, the second figure on page seven and the figure on page 20 may be omitted. In some places the style is different from that usually published in the Proceedings and the author provides page references for examples. The sense of the text is not clear in places, and he again provides page references of examples. In general the paper would be greatly improved by careful verbal revision. The author's method in the main sound, the research is useful and likely to lead to good results. Has not as yet been able to examine what Ive's has written on this point and so does not offer an opinion as to whether the statements of theory are new. The curves of the spectra of the available market inks would be more useful if plotted by wavelength. Does not think the tables need be published in addition to the curves as they are not expressed in wave lengths. The style of the paper leaves much to be desired. Suggests the author be invited to abridge the paper somewhat and that the style be 'radically revised'. In sending in the report earlier than the date assigned, he has not had time to examine carefully all the minor details, but is here expressing his general conclusion and is willing to make a further report if required.
[Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1901].
Endorsed on verso as received 9 May 1901.
- Reference number
- RR/15/170
- Earliest possible date
- 09 May 1901
- Physical description
- Standardised form (type A) and note on paper
- Page extent
- 3 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
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George James Burch, Referee's report by George James Burch, on a paper 'The application of Maxwell's curves to three colour work, with especial reference to the nature of the inks to be employed' by Reginald S Clay, 09 May 1901, RR/15/170, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 07 February 2025
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Referees' reports on scientific papers submitted to the Royal Society for publication
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Referees' reports: volume 15, peer reviews of scientific papers submitted to the Royal Society for publication
1900-1902 Reference number: RR/15
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George James Burch
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Referee Reports
Date: 1832-1954
This collection contains reports on scientific papers submitted for publication to the Royal Society. Started in 1832 when the system was formalised, it is a record of the origins of peer review publishing in practice.View collection