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Second referee's report by Mervyn Herbert Nevil Storey-Maskelyne, on a paper 'A comparative crystallographical study of the double selenates of the series R2M(SeO4)2,6H20. Part 1- Salts in which M is zinc' by Alfred Edward Howard Tutton

Reference number: RR/15/124

Date: 11 June 1900


Sectional committee: Physics and chemistry

Returns the paper which was re-referred to him with observations on it. Also sends his former criticisms [not attached]. Thinks the author is not an ideal writer of memoirs as he thinks each observation made must be recorded and can not write concisely. Thinks the little rebuff the author has now received will serve to make a good observer also a more succinct writer.

Notes that the author has cut down the the length but in doing this has not attempted to remodel the work in a more succinct form. Thinks the paper should certainly be published in the Proceedings as it contains much accurate work and takes its place in a series of memoirs on the crystallographic constants of a well defined group of salts. Suggests the author employ a more modest term in respect of his section-cutting and grinding apparatus. Suggests that on pages ten, 17 and 25 the somewhat indefinite expressions 'behind' and 'infront' of the normal are redundant and might be omitted as in each case the remainder of the sentence gives a complete definition of the directions of the mean lines in the crystal.

[Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1900].

Endorsed on verso as received 12 June 1900.

Reference number
Earliest possible date
11 June 1900
Physical description
Letter and note on paper
Page extent
4 pages

Creator name

Mervyn Herbert Nevil Story-Maskelyne

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Mervyn Herbert Nevil Story-Maskelyne, Second referee's report by Mervyn Herbert Nevil Storey-Maskelyne, on a paper 'A comparative crystallographical study of the double selenates of the series R2M(SeO4)2,6H20. Part 1- Salts in which M is zinc' by Alfred Edward Howard Tutton, 11 June 1900, RR/15/124, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 13 February 2025

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