'A Method for the makeing a History of the Weather' by Robert Hooke
Reference number: RBO/3/1
Date: 1663

'For the better making a History of the Weather I conceive it requisite to observe
- The strength and Quarter of the Winds and to register the changes as often as they happen...'
- 'The degrees of heat and cold in the Air, which will be best observed by a seald Thermometer graduated according to the degrees of Expansions.....'
- 'The degrees of dryness or moisture in the Air which may be most conveniently observed by a Hygroscope...'
- 'The degrees of Pressure in the Air: which may be severall wayes observed, but best of all with an Instrument with Quicksilver....'
- 'The constitution and face of the Sky or Heavens; and this is best done by the Eye; here should be observed whether the Sky be clear or clouded; and if clouded after what manner; whether with high Exhalations or great white clouds or darke thick ones; whether these Clouds afford ffoggs or Mists, or sleet or rain or Snow etc...'
Recommending sealed thermometer, hygroscope, barometer for recording the weather (figures in text)
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Recommending how results should be presented: '...It will be desirable to order them so, that the scheme of a whole month may at one view be presented to the Eye: and this may conveniently be done on the Pages of a book in folio, allowing 15 dayes for one side, and 15 dayes for the other. Let each of these Pages be divided into 9 columnes and distinguished by perpendicular lines.....'. Provides an example.
Read to the Royal Society on 7 October 1663
- Reference number
- RBO/3/1
- Earliest possible date
- 1663
- Page extent
- 7 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
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Robert Hooke, 'A Method for the makeing a History of the Weather' by Robert Hooke, 1663, RBO/3/1, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/rbo_3_1/a-method-for-the-makeing-a-history-of-the-weather-by-robert-hooke, accessed on 10 February 2025
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This item is part of:
Register Book of the Royal Society Volume 3, copies of papers communicated 1663-1668
1663-1668 Reference number: RBO/3
Related Fellows
Robert Hooke
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Register Books
Dates: 1661-1739
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