'Croonean Lectures on Muscular Motion for the year 1738' by Alexander Stuart
Reference number: RBO/21/68
Date: 1738

page 387 Lecture I
'The elasticity of the blood-vessels, and non-elasticity of the nerves, demonstrated on a nerve, artery, and vein of an human body cut out, and the degree of the elasticity measured'
Read to the Royal Society on 16 November 1738
page 389 Lecture II
'The distribution of the nerves, arteries, and veins, to the antagonist muscles of the arm of an human body, shewn in an anatomical Preparation; for demonstrating the necessity of such a distribution towards the performance of muscular motion'
Read to the Royal Society on 23 November 1738
page 393 Lecture III
'In the Air-pump, on the jugular vein of a Calf; to shew that there is air in the blood' (Stuart states that this experiment was performed at the Royal Society 17 or 18 years ago and recorded in the minutes)
Read to the Royal Society on 7 December 1738
page 398 Lecture IV
'Upon an human Artery, and the Rose of Jericho; to shew that the elasticity of Solids arises from the fluids they imbibe or contain'
Read to the Royal Society on 14 December 1738
page 405 Lecture V
'On a Frog; to shew the existence of a fluid in the nerves, and that Muscular Motion is begun by an impulse on it through the nerves into the muscles' ('Upon these Experiments, anatomical Preparations, and Observations made upon them, the doctrine of Elasticity, and of Muscular Motion, chiefly depends; and none of them have been made by any one before, nor are they extant in any author, that I know of')
Read to the Royal Society on 11 January 1738
page 413 Lecture VI
'On Water, Oil and Mercury in the Air Pump; to prove the elasticity of fluids' ('This Experiment, if it ever was made before, was at least never yet applied to prove the elasticity of fluids, and shew the immediate cause of elasticity, and the cohesion in solids')
Read to the Royal Society on 25 January 1738
page 422 Lecture VII
Reflecting on lecture vi on the elasticity of water and watery fluids with a number of propositions about the property of 'central attraction'
page 429 Lecture VIII
Explanation and observations of the fifth experiment with a short abstract of a general scheme of muscular motion
Three tables of engraved figures from 'Philosophical Transactions' attached
- Reference number
- RBO/21/68
- Earliest possible date
- 1738
- Page extent
- 60 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
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'Croonean Lectures on Muscular Motion for the year 1738' by Alexander Stuart, 1738, RBO/21/68, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/rbo_21_68/croonean-lectures-on-muscular-motion-for-the-year-1738-by-alexander-stuart, accessed on 15 February 2025
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