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Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, volume 124

Reference number: PT/74/1

Date: 1832-1834


Plates intended for publication in various papers published in volume 124 of Philosophical Transactions. The plates have been removed from their associated manuscripts. Published plates were engraved by the Basire family.

The plates correspond to the following papers:
'Experimental researches in electricity.—Sixth series' by Michael Faraday;
'An investigation of the laws which govern the motion of steam vessels, deduced from experiments' by Peter William Barlow;
'On the generation of the marsupial animals, with a description of the impregnated uterus of the Kangaroo' by Richard Owen;
'Some observations on the structure and functions of tubular and cellular polypi, and of ascidiæ' by Joseph Jackson Lister;
'On the nervous system of the Sphinx ligustri, Linn., (Part II.) during the latter stages of its pupa and its Imago state; and on the means by which its development is effected' by George Newport;
'Experimental researches in electricity.-Eighth series' by Michael Faraday;
'On the functions of some parts of the brain, and on the relations between the brain and nerves of motion and sensation' by Charles Bell;
'Observations on the torpedo, with an account of some additional experiments on its electricity' by John Davy;
'On the ova of the Ornithorhynchus paradoxus' by Richard Owen;
'Observations on the motions of shingle beaches' by Henry Robinson Palmer; and
'An account of some experiments to measure the velocity of electricity and the duration of electric light' by Charles Wheatstone.

Reference number
Earliest possible date
Physical description
Diagrams, drawings, and paintings on paper
Page extent
47 illustrations

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Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, volume 124, 1832-1834, PT/74/1, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 12 December 2024

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  • Philosophical Transactions

    Dates: 1802-1865

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