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Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, volume 103

Reference number: PT/73/4

Date: 1811-1813


Plates intended for publication in various papers published in volume 103 of Philosophical Transactions. The plates have been removed from their associated manuscripts. Published plates were engraved by James Basire.

The plates correspond to the following papers:
'On a remarkable application of Cotes's theorem' by John Frederick William Herschel;
'A description of the solvent glands and gizzards of the ardea argala, the casuarius emu, and the long-legged casowary from New South Wales' by Everard Home;
'On the tusks of the narwhale' by Everard Home;
'An account of some organic remains found near Brentford, Middlesex' by William Kirby Trimmer;
'On a new construction of a condenser and air-pump. In a letter to Sir Humphry Davy, LL .D. F. R. S' by Gilbert Austin;
'On the means of procuring a steady light in coal mines without the danger of explosions' by William Reid Clanny; and
'Additions to an account of the anatomy of the Squalus maximus, contained in a former paper; with observations on the structure of the branchial artery' by Everard Home.

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Paintings and drawings on paper
Page extent
19 illustrations

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Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, volume 103, 1811-1813, PT/73/4, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 14 December 2024

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  • Philosophical Transactions

    Dates: 1802-1865

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