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Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, volume 115

Reference number: PT/73/11

Date: 1824-1825


Plates intended for publication in various papers published in volume 115 of Philosophical Transactions. The plates have been removed from their associated manuscripts. Published plates were engraved by the Basire family.

The plates correspond to the following papers:
'On the effects of temperature on the intensity of magnetic forces; and on the diurnal variation of the terrestrial magnetic intensity' by Samuel Hunter Christie;
'The Croonian Lecture. On the existence of nerves in the placenta' by Everard Home;
'Observations on the changes the ovum of the frog undergoes during the formation of the tadpole' by Everard Home;
'A general method of calculating the angles made by any planes of crystals, and the laws according to which they are formed' by William Whewell;
'The description of a floating Collimator' by Henry Kater;
'Notice on the Iguanodon, a newly discovered fossil reptile, from the sandstone of Tilgate, in Sussex' by Gideon Algernon Mantell;
'Further observations on Planariæ' by James Rawlins Johnson;
'On the influence of nerves and ganglions in producing animal heat' by Everard Home;
'An essay on Egyptian mummies; with observations on the art of embalming among the ancient Egyptians' by Augustus Bozzi Granville;
'On the temporary magnetic effect induced in iron bodies by rotation' by Peter Barlow;
'On the magnetism of iron arising from its rotation' by Samuel Hunter Christie;
'Some account of the transit instrument made by Mr. Dollond, and lately put up at the Cambridge Observatory' by Robert Woodhouse;
'Microscopical observations on the materials of the brain, and of the ova of animals, to show the analogy that exists between them' by Everard Home; and
'On the anatomy of the mole-cricket'' by John Kidd.

Reference number
Earliest possible date
Physical description
Diagrams, paintings, and drawings on paper
Page extent
26 illustrations

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Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, volume 115, 1824-1825, PT/73/11, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 12 February 2025

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  • Philosophical Transactions

    Dates: 1802-1865

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