Letter, regarding postscript for paper on solar rays acting upon vegetable colours from J F W [John Frederick William] Herschel to unknown recipient
Reference number: PT/26/12
Date: 23 July 1842

Letter by Herschel requesting the addition of a postscript to his paper 'On the action of the rays of the solar spectrum on vegetable colours', found at PT/26/12. Postscript itself found at PT/26/13. The letter also includes specimens of various photographic experiments that were not published as part of the paper - chryostypes, a cyanotype and paper treated with Papaver orientale. Some prints have faded completely, with the images no longer visible. Includes some undeveloped photographic paper.
Subject: Chemistry
Written by Herschel at Collingwood [Kent, England].
- Reference number
- PT/26/12
- Earliest possible date
- 23 July 1842
- Physical description
- Ink on paper
- Page extent
- 26 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
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John Frederick William Herschel, Letter, regarding postscript for paper on solar rays acting upon vegetable colours from J F W [John Frederick William] Herschel to unknown recipient, 23 July 1842, PT/26/12, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/pt_26_12/letter-regarding-postscript-for-paper-on-solar-rays-acting-upon-vegetable-colours-from-j-f-w-john-frederick-william-herschel-to-unknown-recipient, accessed on 11 February 2025
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This item is part of:
Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1842
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Philosophical Transactions
Dates: 1802-1865
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