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Humpidge writes: 'In a former communication which I had the honour of making to the Royal Society ['On the atomic weight of glucinum (Beryllium)', Philosophical Transactions, volume 174], I described a method of preparing metallic glucinum and of determining its specific heat. From my experiments I deduced the result that the atomic weight of the metal must be 13.6 (circa) in order to agree with Dualong and Petit’s rule. It is well known that the position assigned to glucinum in the periodic arrangement of the elements requires an atomic weight of two-thirds the above number, or approximately 9, and that with the larger atomic weight it falls between carbon and nitrogen, and is entirely out of place.'

Annotations in pencil and ink throughout.

Subject: Chemistry

Received 27 February 1885. Read 5 March 1885. Communicated by Edward Frankland.

A version of this paper was published in volume 39 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'On the atomic weight of glucinum (Beryllium). Second paper'.

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Ink and graphite pencil on paper
Page extent
38 pages

Creator name

T S Humpidge

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T S Humpidge, Paper, 'On the atomic weight of glucinum (Beryllium). Second paper' by T S Humpidge, 1885, PP/7/1, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 12 November 2024

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