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Horsley writes: 'Up till the year 1883 the function of the thyroid gland was unknown, and considered to be of slight importance, at least to the adult animal. The theories concerning its function were (1) That propounded by Mr Simon, “ Phil. Trans.,” 1844, &c, viz, that the thyroid body acted as a regulator of the circulation in the brain, and possibly manufactured some substance which was of primary importance for the nutrition of the central nervous system. (2) That it was a true gland and secreted a mucinous albuminoid into the cavities of its acini, the secretion being reabsorbed by the lymphatics. (3) The thyroid gland has also from time to time been compared to the spleen as an haemapoietic organ.'

Annotations in pencil and ink.

Subject: Physiology

Received 5 December 1884. Read 11 December 1884. Communicated by Michael Foster.

A version of this paper was published in volume 38 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'On the function of the thyroid gland'.

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Ink and graphite pencil on paper
Page extent
6 pages

Creator name

Victor Alexander Haden Horsley

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Victor Alexander Haden Horsley, Paper, 'On the function of the thyroid gland' by V [Victor] Horsley, 1884, PP/6/1, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 09 December 2024

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