Paper, 'On a method of tracing periodicities in a series of observations when the periods are unknown' by Vinayek Narayeu Nene
Reference number: PP/4/32
Date: 1884
Nene writes: 'The object of this paper is to investigate a new method which will enable us to find out the period of an unknown inequality, and thence the inequality itself, from a series of observations—such as magnetical, meteorological, or astronomical—when they are of a periodic mature [...] We assume that there is some large complex period, such that the observations—which need not necessarily correspond to equidistant times, but must have the time similarly divided in each general period— will he exactly repeated after such full period; but since we have not yet found such a period, although we have observations of thirty years’ duration or more, say, of barometer, we may say that such a period is not yet completed, and we cannot, therefore, apply Bessel’s method, which is applicable to only known periods, to find subordinate periodic inequalities. Diurnal and annual periods which have already been discovered may he considered as subordinate periods of the large period which we are considering. Our aim is first to ascertain the duration of subordinate periods one by one, and then to find out the amplitude for each period.'
Annotations in pencil and ink. Includes five pages of graphs of experimental results.
Subject: Mathematics
Received 30 May 1882. Read 15 June 1882. Communicated by Charles Chambers.
A version of this paper was published in volume 36 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'On a method of tracing periodicities in a series of observations when the periods are unknown'.
- Reference number
- PP/4/32
- Earliest possible date
- 1884
- Physical description
- Ink and graphite pencil on paper
- Page extent
- 58 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
Creator name
Vinayek Narayeu Nene
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Vinayek Narayeu Nene, Paper, 'On a method of tracing periodicities in a series of observations when the periods are unknown' by Vinayek Narayeu Nene, 1884, PP/4/32, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 08 September 2024
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On a method of tracing periodicities in a series of observations when the periods are unknown External link, opens in new tab.
Date: 31st December 1883
DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1883.0119
This item is part of:
Scientific papers published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society volume 36, 1883-1884
1883-1884 Reference number: PP/4
Related Fellows
Charles Chambers
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Proceedings Papers
Dates: 1882 - 1894
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