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Paper, 'A further note on the influence of bile and its constituents on pancreatic digestion' by Sidney Harris Cox Martin and Dawson Williams

Reference number: PP/16/15

Date: 1890


The authors write: 'In a previous communication we have pointed out that in the pig the presence of bile or bile salts hastens the digestion of starch by pancreatic extract, the amount of dextrine and of sugar being considerably and proportionately increased. The same holds good for ox bile salts and extract of ox pancreas, so far at least as the increase in the amount of sugar is concerned, and for human bile and pancreatic extract (pig’s). Experiments were conducted in the same manner as those with pig’s secretions.'

Annotations in pencil and ink.

Subject: Physiology

Received 9 June 1890. Read 12 June 1890. Communicated by Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer.

A version of this paper was published in volume 48 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'A further note on the influence of bile and its constituents on pancreatic digestion'.

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Physical description
Ink and graphite pencil on paper
Page extent
15 pages

Creator name

Sidney Harris Cox Martin

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Sidney Harris Cox Martin, Paper, 'A further note on the influence of bile and its constituents on pancreatic digestion' by Sidney Harris Cox Martin and Dawson Williams, 1890, PP/16/15, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 10 February 2025

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