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Thomas writes: 'Of the few Mammalia in which no trace of a milk dentition has been found, Orycteropus, the Aard-Vark, has always occupied a prominent place, owing partly to the peculiar structure of its prominent teeth, and partly to its very doubtful systematic position. An opportunity has now fallen in my way of proving that it has after all two sets of teeth, those of the first, or milk set, being rudimentary, and probably quite funcltionless, but nevertheless so far developed as to be all completely calcified, and to be for the most part readily distinguishable by form and position from those of the second or permanent set.'

Annotations in pencil and ink.

Subject: Zoology / Odontology

Received 12 December 1889 / 13 December 1889. Read 9 January 1890. Communicated by Albert Gunther.

A version of this paper was published in volume 47 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'A milk dentition in Orcyteropus'.

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Ink and graphite pencil on paper
Page extent
10 pages

Creator name

Michael Rogers Oldfield Thomas

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Michael Rogers Oldfield Thomas, Paper, 'A milk dentition in Orcyteropus [aardvark]' by Oldfield Thomas, 1889, PP/15/18, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 13 February 2025

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