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Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 4 Beckedorff-Bullan

Reference number: HS/4

Date: 1817-1871


Letters from various correspondents sent to Sir John Herschel, with some drafts of his replies and original letters by Herschel recovered from selected correspondents after his death.

Primary correspondents include: Frederick William Beechey; Isaac Lowthian Bell; Friedrich William Bessel; Jean Baptiste Biot; William Radcliffe Birt; George Bishop; Miles Bland; Gilbert Blane; Johann Elert Bode; James Booth; Nathanial Bowditch; Edward William Brayley; David Brewster; John Brinkley; Benjamin Collins Brodie, Benjamin Collins Brodie Jnr; Henry Peter Brougham, Lord Brougham & Vaux; William Buckland.

Also contains letters from Palon Ludwig Heinrich Boguslawski to Caroline Herschel sending her birthday greetings (HS/4/171, HS/4/173, HS/4/175), and a letter from David Brewster to Sir William Herschel asking if the latter would help J F W Herschel write an article on stars for the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia (HS/4/241).

Reference number
Earliest possible date
Physical description
Documents previously tipped onto guards and bound in blue library buckram with volume information on the spine, in gilt. Disbound in 2023 and loose letters in folders.
Page extent
1 volume; 341 letters

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Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 4 Beckedorff-Bullan, 1817-1871, HS/4, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 09 February 2025

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