Translation of a letter, from [Christian Andreas] Teuber [to the Royal Society], dated at Dedeleben in the Principality of Halberstat
Reference number: EL/T/83
Date: 01 January 1732
Original dated 7 February 1732
Concerning an English translation of the Bible
Transcript of letter sent by Dr Werlhof, physician of the court at Hanover, who presented a book and two papers to the Royal Society concerning an English translation of the Bible; details about two other letters from Teuber one of condolence and the other about the inscription on an altar in the Church of the Garrison at Hanover presented by the Prince of Wales
- Reference number
- EL/T/83
- Earliest possible date
- 01 January 1732
- Page extent
- 4 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
- Also available on Early Modern Letters Online
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Translation of a letter, from [Christian Andreas] Teuber [to the Royal Society], dated at Dedeleben in the Principality of Halberstat, 01 January 1732, EL/T/83, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 14 December 2024
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'Early letters': letters from correspondents in natural philosophy sent to the Royal Society and its Fellows
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Early Letters
Dates: 1613-1740
The archival collection known as 'Early Letters' is composed of original manuscript letters sent to, or collected by, the Royal Society from English and foreign correspondents.View collection