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Letter extract, 'Observatio Eclipseos Telluris Romae habita in aedibus eminentissimi cardinalis' [observations of the solar eclipse made at the house of an eminent Cardinal in Rome], from Didacus de Revillas [Diego Ravillas] to Eustachio Manfredi

Reference number: CLP/8ii/77a

Date: 1734


Observations of the eclipse which occurred on 3 May 1734. Observations made by Didacus de Revillas and Andreas Celsius at Rome.

Subject: Astronomy

Communicated to the Royal Society by Eustachio Manfredi.

Extract from original letter to Manfredi dated 15 May 1734.

Read to the Royal Society on 23 October 1735

Published in Philosophical Transactions as 'Observation Eclipseos Telluris romæhabita in Ædibus Eminentissimi Cardinalis De-Via v. non. i e. d. 3 Maij, N. S. Apr. 22. V. S. MDCCXXXIV. per Diacum de Revillas, Abbat. Hieronym. R. S. S. Andream Celsium, R. S. S. Astrom Profess. Upsal R. S. Suec. Secr'

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Ink on paper
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3 pages

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Didacus de Revillas

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Didacus de Revillas, Letter extract, 'Observatio Eclipseos Telluris Romae habita in aedibus eminentissimi cardinalis' [observations of the solar eclipse made at the house of an eminent Cardinal in Rome], from Didacus de Revillas [Diego Ravillas] to Eustachio Manfredi, 1734, CLP/8ii/77a, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 13 November 2024

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