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Paper, 'A further account of a new machine called the marine surveyor, designed for the mensuration of the way of a ship at sea, more correctly than by the log, at present in use, or any other method hitherto invented for that purpose' by Henry de Saumarez

Reference number: CLP/7ii/11

Date: 1729


De Saumarez presents an explanation of experiments made using the marine surveyor on the lake in St James's Park [London], on a voyage to the Netherlands and a demonstration in fron ot notable individuals in a canal in the Hague. Identifies Molyneux as a patron. Includes three pages of figures of various instruments used for measuring the tides, including de Saumarez's marine surveyor.

Subject: Scientific apparatus and instruments / Navigation

Published in Philosophical Transactions as 'A further account of a new machine, called the marine surveyor, designed for the mensuration of the way of a ship at sea, more correctly than by the log, at present in use, or any other method hitherto invented for that purpose. By Mr. Henry De Saumarez, of the Island of Guernsey, part of His Majesty's antient Dutchy of Normandy'

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Ink on paper
Page extent
13 pages

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Paper, 'A further account of a new machine called the marine surveyor, designed for the mensuration of the way of a ship at sea, more correctly than by the log, at present in use, or any other method hitherto invented for that purpose' by Henry de Saumarez, 1729, CLP/7ii/11, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 10 February 2025

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