Letter, 'Concerning some experiments made with the steel-bow' from N N to Mr C
Reference number: CLP/3i/13
Date: 17th century
The author describes an apparatus used to discharge a bullet in his experiments made with a steel bow. Includes a table in which the length of each shot is recorded.
Subject: Weaponry / Physics
- Reference number
- CLP/3i/13
- Earliest possible date
- 17th century
- Physical description
- Ink on paper
- Page extent
- 2 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
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Letter, 'Concerning some experiments made with the steel-bow' from N N to Mr C, 17th century, CLP/3i/13, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/clp_3i_13/letter-concerning-some-experiments-made-with-the-steel-bow-from-n-n-to-mr-c, accessed on 16 September 2024
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Classified papers: volume 3i concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades, Engineering, Navigation'
Reference number: CLP/3i
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Classified Papers
Dates: 1592-1741
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