Paper, 'An account of experiment made May the 15th 1706 before the Royal Society at Gresham College touching the proportion of the weight of air to the weight of a like bulk of water, without knowing the quantity of either' by Francis Hauksbee
Reference number: CLP/18i/99
Date: 1706
Hauksbee writes: 'I took a Bottle somewhat of an Oval form, (which I had purposely caus’d to be made so, that it might with more ease Librate in Water.) It held more than three Gallons, (but how much we have no occasion to know.) Into this Bottle I put as much Lead as would sink it under the surface of the Water, and was, when weigh’d in that Element, Ballanc’d by a small Weight in the Scale on the other end of the Beam.'
Subject: Physics
Published in Philosophical Transactions as 'An account of an experiment made before the Royal Society, touching the proportion of the weight of air, to the weight of a like bulk of water, without knowing the quantity of either'
- Reference number
- CLP/18i/99
- Earliest possible date
- 1706
- Physical description
- Ink on paper
- Page extent
- 2 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
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Francis Hauksbee, Paper, 'An account of experiment made May the 15th 1706 before the Royal Society at Gresham College touching the proportion of the weight of air to the weight of a like bulk of water, without knowing the quantity of either' by Francis Hauksbee, 1706, CLP/18i/99, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 08 December 2024
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VII. An account of an experiment made before the Royal Society, touching the proportion of the weight of air, to the weight of a like bulk of water, without knowing the quantity of either External link, opens in new tab.
Author: Francis Hauksbee
Date: 1st March 1706
DOI: 10.1098/rstl.1706.0007
This item is part of:
Classified papers: volume 18i of classified papers concering 'Papin and Hauksbee papers'
1678-1712 Creator: Denis Papin , Francis Hauksbee Reference number: CLP/18i
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Francis Hauksbee
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