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Paper, 'An account of the repetition of an experiment of the late Dr Hooke's, concerning two liquors, which when mixt together would possess less space, than when separate: with another experiment confirming the same' by Francis Hauksbee

Reference number: CLP/18i/129

Date: 1711


Hauksbee writes: 'The Experiment related by the late Ingenious Experimentor Dr Hooke, in one of his Papers (delivered to me by Mr Waller) is concerning two Liquors, which, when mixt together, would possess less space than when separate ; which he calls a Penetration of Dimensions: And adds further, that this Penetration is the cause of Heat, of Fire, of Flame, of the Power of Heat, Fire and Gun Powder, and several other Phaenomena, which seem to be most prodigious and wonderful in Nature.'

Subject: Physics

Read to the Royal Society on 8 May 1711

Published in Philosophical Transactions as 'An account of the repetition of an experiment of the late Dr. Hooke's, concerning two liquors, which, when mixt together, will possess less space, than when separate : with another experiment confirming the same. By Mr. F. Hauksbee, F. R. S'

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Ink on paper
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2 pages

Creator name

Francis Hauksbee

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Francis Hauksbee, Paper, 'An account of the repetition of an experiment of the late Dr Hooke's, concerning two liquors, which when mixt together would possess less space, than when separate: with another experiment confirming the same' by Francis Hauksbee, 1711, CLP/18i/129, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 02 December 2024

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