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Paper, 'An account of some experiments made by Monsr [Martin] Triewald, Director of Mechanicks at Stockholm and FRSS of England and Sweden relating to the flowering of tulips, narcissus's [sic] etc. in winter, by placing their bulbs upon glasses of water' by Philip Miller

Reference number: CLP/10ii/16

Date: 04 February 1730


Miller recounts experiments performed on hyacinth, tulip, and narcissus roots to compare factoring affecting their growth. The bulbs were placed into a greenhouse within glasses filled with water from the Thames and observed over the course of several months.

Subject: Botany

Published in Philosophical Transactions as 'An account of some experiments, relating to the flowering of tulips, narcissus's, &c. in winter, by placing their bulbs upon glasses of water, made by Mons. Triewald, Director of Mechanicks at Stockholm, and F. R. SS. of England and Sweden, and read before the Royal Society May the 7th, 1730, as they were tried the next season by Philip Miller, F. R. S. Gardiner to the worshipful Company of Apothecaries, at their Botanick Garden in Chelsea'.

Written by Miller in Chelsea. Read to the Royal Society on 7 May 1730.

Reference number
Earliest possible date
04 February 1730
Physical description
Ink on paper
Page extent
3 pages

Creator name

Philip Miller

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Philip Miller, Paper, 'An account of some experiments made by Monsr [Martin] Triewald, Director of Mechanicks at Stockholm and FRSS of England and Sweden relating to the flowering of tulips, narcissus's [sic] etc. in winter, by placing their bulbs upon glasses of water' by Philip Miller, 04 February 1730, CLP/10ii/16, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 08 February 2025

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