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Adeney presents an overview of existing researches into the fermentation of urea. He writes on the behaviour of urea solely as a nutrient substance, his experimental method, methods of determining the organic and inorganic nitrogen, the organisms causing the fermentation, the chemistry of the earlier steps of fermentative change and the chemistry of more advanced stages of fermentative changes.

Annotations in ink throughout.

Subject: Microbiology

Received 1 June 1901. Read 20 June 1901. Communicated by W N [Walter Noel] Hartley.

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Ink on paper
Page extent
16 pages

Creator name

W E Adeney

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W E Adeney, Unpublished paper, 'On the fermentation of urea; a contribution to the study of chemistry of the metabolism in bacteria' by W E Adeney, 1901, AP/75/6, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 10 February 2025

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