Unpublished paper, 'A comparative study of the grey and white matter of the motor cell groups, and of the spinal accessory nerve, in the spinal cord of the porpoise (Phoccena communis)' by David Hepburn
Reference number: AP/75/11
Date: 1903

Hepburn presents anatomical observations on the spinal cord of the porpoise, describing his method of preparation, the microscopic structure, the superficial area of the columns at different levels, the shape of the grey matter at different levels, the groups of nerve cells and the spinal accessory nerve.
Annotations in ink throughout. Includes table of contents and bibliography.
Subject: Anatomy / Neuroscience
Received 23 January 1903. Read 12 March 1903. Communicated by Sir William Turner.
A version of this paper was published by Hepburn in the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology [later Journal of Anatomy]: Hepburn, David. 'A Comparative Study of the Grey and White Matter, of the Motor-Cell Groups, and of the Spinal Accessory Nerve, in the Spinal Cord of the Porpoise (Phocœna Communis).' The Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, volume 38, number 3 (1904), pp. 295-311.
- Reference number
- AP/75/11
- Earliest possible date
- 1903
- Physical description
- Annotations in pencil and ink throughout
- Page extent
- 56 pages
- Format
- Typescript
Creator name
David Hepburn
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David Hepburn, Unpublished paper, 'A comparative study of the grey and white matter of the motor cell groups, and of the spinal accessory nerve, in the spinal cord of the porpoise (Phoccena communis)' by David Hepburn, 1903, AP/75/11, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/ap_75_11/unpublished-paper-a-comparative-study-of-the-grey-and-white-matter-of-the-motor-cell-groups-and-of-the-spinal-accessory-nerve-in-the-spinal-cord-of-the-porpoise-phoccena-communis-by-david-hepburn, accessed on 11 February 2025
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Related Records
Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'A comparative study of the grey and white matter of the motor-cell groups; and the spinal-accessory nerve in the spinal cord of the porpoise, (Phocoena communis)' by D Hepburn and D Waterston
Creator: Charles Scott Sherrington Reference number: RR/16/65 -
Referee's report by John Newport Langley, on a paper 'A comparative study of the grey and white matter of the motor-cell groups; and the spinal-accessory nerve in the spinal cord of the porpoise, (Phocoena communis)' by D Hepburn and D Waterston
Creator: John Newport Langley Reference number: RR/16/66
This item is part of:
Archived papers: volume 75, scientific papers submitted the Royal Society unpublished or abstracted, 1899-1903
1899-1903 Reference number: AP/75
Related Fellows
William Turner
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Archived Papers
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