Unpublished paper, 'Experimental observations on the early degenerative changes in the sensory end organs of muscles' by Frederick E [Eustace] Batten
Reference number: AP/73/14
Date: 1898

Batten conveys a series of experiments undertaken in order to show, firstly, that degeneration occurrs in the first place in that part of the neuron most remote from the cell, and secondly, to reproduce within the muscle-spindle, if possible, certain changes which have been shown by the author to be present in the case of tabes dorsalis [locomotor ataxia] in man. In Batten's experiments, dogs are selected, and the mixed roots of the fifth cervical to the first dorsal inclusive are divided, and the animals killed 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 hours, and 7 and 14 days after section of the nerve. Bicep muscles are treated by Sihler's method and muscle-spindles are teased out; some of these are mounted without further staining while others are treated by Marchi's method or the Marchi-Pal method.
Annotations in ink throughout. Includes three pages of photographs of muscles.
Subject: Physiology
Received 17 February 1898. Read 3 March 1898. Communicated by Victor Horsley.
Whilst the Royal Society declined to publish this paper in full, an abstract of the paper was published in volume 63 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'Experimental observation on the early degenerative changes in the sensory end organs of muscles'.
- Reference number
- AP/73/14
- Earliest possible date
- 1898
- Physical description
- Ink on paper
- Page extent
- 25 pages
- Format
- Typescript
Creator name
Frederick Eustace Batten
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Frederick Eustace Batten, Unpublished paper, 'Experimental observations on the early degenerative changes in the sensory end organs of muscles' by Frederick E [Eustace] Batten, 1898, AP/73/14, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/ap_73_14/unpublished-paper-experimental-observations-on-the-early-degenerative-changes-in-the-sensory-end-organs-of-muscles-by-frederick-e-eustace-batten, accessed on 07 February 2025
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Experimental observation on the early degenerative changes in the sensory end organs of muscles External link, opens in new tab.
Date: 31st December 1898
DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1898.0012
IV. Experimental observations on the early degenerative changes in the sensory end-organs of muscles. External link, opens in new tab.
Date: 31st December 1898
DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1898.0131
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Referee's report by Edward Emanuel Klein, on a paper 'Experimental observation on the early degenerative changes in the sensory end organs of muscles' by F E Batten
Creator: Edward Emanuel Klein Reference number: RR/14/7
This item is part of:
Archived papers: volume 73, scientific papers submitted the Royal Society unpublished or abstracted, 1896-1898
1896-1898 Reference number: AP/73
Related Fellows
Victor Alexander Haden Horsley
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