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Unpublished paper, 'Relative amounts of voltaic energy of electrolytes' by G [George] Gore

Reference number: AP/66/2

Date: 1888


Gore determines, by means of the voltaic balance, the relative amounts of voltaic energy of upwards of 100 aqueous solutions of elementary substances, acids, salts, bases and organic substances exerted by them upon a simple voltaic couple at ordinary atmospheric temperature. The method of measuring the amount of energy of a substance is described as follows: Take two small glass cups containing known volumes of distilled water. Form two voltaic cells of them by means of strips or stout wires of unamalgamated zinc cut from the same piece, and two small sheets of platinum, also cut from the same piece. Connect them together in series to a sufficiently sensitive galvanometer so that the currents from the two cells oppose each other and provide no visible deflection of the needles. This arrangement constitutes a voltaic balance, and is extremely sensitive to change of chemical composition of the liquid in one of the vessels. Make an aqueous solution of known strength of the substance and add it to the water in one of the cups until the needle of the galvanometer visibly begind to move. Note the proportion of the substance and of water then contained in that vessel. As the amount of energy required to move the needle is the same in all cases, the different numbers thus obtained with different substances represent the relative amounts of voltaic energy of those substances.

Subject: Chemistry / Electricity

Received 24 November 1888 / 27 November 1888. Read 17 January 1889.

Whilst the Royal Society declined to publish this paper in full, an abstract of the paper was published in volume 45 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'Relative amounts of voltaic energy of electrolytes'.

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Ink and graphite pencil on paper
Page extent
6 pages

Creator name

George Gore

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George Gore, Unpublished paper, 'Relative amounts of voltaic energy of electrolytes' by G [George] Gore, 1888, AP/66/2, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 04 December 2024

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