Unpublished paper, 'The accurate determination of carbonic acid and moisture in air' by J S [John Scott] Haldane and M S [Marcus Seymour] Pembrey
Reference number: AP/66/11
Date: 1889

The authors share experimental results and observations regarding the accurate determination of carbonic acid and moisture in air, which they believe depends on 'the solution of a number of problems connected with the respiratory exchange of animals.'
Uncorrected proof. Annotations in ink throughout. Note on front reads 'Preserve this proof in the archives'.
Subject: Chemistry /Biology
Received 8 April 1889. Read 2 May 1889. Communicated by Professor J [John Scott] Burdon-Sanderson.
Mentioned as received in volume 46 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'The accurate determination of carbonic acid and moisture in air'.
- Reference number
- AP/66/11
- Earliest possible date
- 1889
- Physical description
- Ink and coloured pencil on paper
- Page extent
- 17 pages
- Format
- Printed
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John Scott Haldane, Unpublished paper, 'The accurate determination of carbonic acid and moisture in air' by J S [John Scott] Haldane and M S [Marcus Seymour] Pembrey, 1889, AP/66/11, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/ap_66_11/unpublished-paper-the-accurate-determination-of-carbonic-acid-and-moisture-in-air-by-j-s-john-scott-haldane-and-m-s-marcus-seymour-pembrey, accessed on 17 February 2025
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Related Publications
The accurate determination of carbonic acid and moisture in air External link, opens in new tab.
Date: 31st December 1890
DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1889.0133
Related Records
Referee's report by John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, on a paper 'The accurate determination of carbonic acid and moisture in air' by John Scott Haldane and Marcus Seymour Pembrey
Creator: John Scott Burdon-Sanderson Reference number: RR/10/266 -
Referee's report by Edward Frankland, on a paper 'The accurate determination of carbonic acid and moisture in air' by John Scott Haldane and Marcus Seymour Pembrey
Creator: Edward Frankland Reference number: RR/10/267
This item is part of:
Archived papers: volume 66, scientific papers submitted the Royal Society unpublished or abstracted, 1888-1890
1888-1890 Reference number: AP/66
Related Fellows
John Scott Haldane
Author -
John Scott Burdon-Sanderson
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