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Unpublished paper, 'The relationship of the activity of Vesuvius to certain meteorological and astronomical phenomena' by H J [Henry James] Johnston-Lavis

Reference number: AP/64/4

Date: 13 February 1886


Johnston-Lavis writes: 'The relationship of the activity of volcanoes to certain astronomical and meteorological phenomena is a matter not only involving questions limited to volcanoes themselves, but intimately concerned in affording further clues to the structure and physics of the interior of our globe. The vulcanologist is in the present investigation compelled to appeal to the astronomer and meteorologist for data, but in turn is able to afford his colleagues an explanation of certain phenomena which till now was incomprehensible to them.'

Annotations in ink throughout. Includes a chart of Vesuvian activity showing its relationship to certain astronomical and meteorological phenomena.

Subject: Meteorology / Astronomy

Received 26 February 1886. Communicated by [John Wesley] Judd.

Written by Johnston-Lavis in Naples [Italy].

Whilst the Royal Society declined to publish this paper in full, an abstract of the paper was published in volume 40 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'The relationship of the activity of vesuvius to certain meteorological and astronomical phenomena'.

Reference number
Earliest possible date
13 February 1886
Physical description
Ink on paper
Page extent
27 pages

Creator name

Henry James Johnston-Lavis

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Henry James Johnston-Lavis, Unpublished paper, 'The relationship of the activity of Vesuvius to certain meteorological and astronomical phenomena' by H J [Henry James] Johnston-Lavis, 13 February 1886, AP/64/4, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 10 February 2025

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