Unpublished paper, 'On the development of the crustacean embryo' by C [Charles] Spence Bate
Reference number: AP/58/1
Date: 1875

Bate states that, although the general forms of several genera of Podophthalmous Crustacea are known, the details of their structure have been so unsatisfactorily figured and described that the value and importance of hereditary elements are incapable of being studied and appreciated. Having received a collection of Crustacea and microscope slides of larvae, he aims to describe their structure.
Annotations in pencil and ink throughout. Marked on front as 'Archives June 15/76'. Includes one figure of cells.
Subject: Zoology / Embryology
Received 28 December 1875. Read 9 March 1876.
Whilst the Royal Society declined to publish this paper in full, an abstract of the paper was published in volume 24 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'On the development of the crustacean embryo, and the variations of form exhibited in the larvæ of 38 genera of Podophthalmia'.
- Reference number
- AP/58/1
- Earliest possible date
- 1875
- Physical description
- Ink and graphite pencil on papee
- Page extent
- 324 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
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Charles Spence Bate, Unpublished paper, 'On the development of the crustacean embryo' by C [Charles] Spence Bate, 1875, AP/58/1, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/ap_58_1/unpublished-paper-on-the-development-of-the-crustacean-embryo-by-c-charles-spence-bate, accessed on 11 February 2025
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Related Publications
II. On the development of the crustacean embryo, and the variations of form exhibited in the larvæ of 38 genera of Podophthalmia External link, opens in new tab.
Date: 31st December 1876
DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1875.0049
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Referee's report by George James Allman, on a paper 'On the development of the crustacean embryo, and the variations of form exhibited in the larvae of 38 genera of podophthalmia' by Charles Spence Bate
Creator: George James Allman Reference number: RR/7/435 -
Referee's report by Edwin Ray Lankester, on a paper 'On the development of the crustacean embryo, and the variations of form exhibited in the larvae of 38 genera of podophthalmia' by Charles Spence Bate
Creator: Edwin Ray Lankester Reference number: RR/7/436
This item is part of:
Archived papers: volume 58, scientific papers submitted the Royal Society unpublished or abstracted, 1873-1877
1873-1877 Reference number: AP/58
Related Fellows
Charles Spence Bate
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