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Having observed that the image formed on the ground glass of the camera obscura appears as much in relief as the natural object when seen with the two eyes, Claudet has endeavoured to discover the cause of that phenomenon, and his experiments and researches have disclosed the singular and unexpected fact, that although only one image seems depicted on the ground glass, still each eye perceives a different image; that in reality there exist on the ground glass two images, the one visible only to the right eye, and the other visible only to the left eye. That the image seen by the right eye is the representation of the object refracted by the left side of the lens, and the image seen by the left eye is the representation of the object refracted by the right side of the lens. Consequently these two images presenting two different perspectives, the result is a stereoscopic perception, as when we look through the stereoscope at two images of different perspectives.

Subject: Physics / Optics / Engineering

Received 17 June 1857. Read 18 June 1857.

Whilst the Royal Society declined to publish this paper in full, an abstract of the paper was published in volume 8 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'On the phenomenon of relief of the image formed on the ground glass of the camera obscura'.

A version of this paper was published by Claudet in the Journal of the Franklin Institute: Claudet, Antoine Jean Francois. 'On the phenomenon of relief of the image formed on the ground glass of the camera obscura' The Journal of the Franklin Institute, volume 66, number 1 (1858), pp. 54-56.

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Ink on paper
Page extent
10 pages

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Antoine Jean Francois Claudet

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Antoine Jean Francois Claudet, Unpublished paper, 'On the phenomenon of relief of the image formed on the ground glass of the camera obscura' by A [Antoine Jean Francois] Claudet, 1857, AP/39/38, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 15 September 2024

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