Unpublished paper, 'Geographical position of the principal points of the Triangulation of Californias and of the Mexican Coasts of the Pacific, with the heights of the principal points of that part of the Cordilleras' by Vincent Piccolimini
Reference number: AP/23/38
Date: 09 January 1840

Piccolimini shares geographical and astronomical observations recorded during a voyage in the Pacific.
Subject: Geography / Astronomy
Received 15 January 1840. Communicated by Sir J F W [John Frederick William] Herschel.
- Reference number
- AP/23/38
- Earliest possible date
- 09 January 1840
- Physical description
- Ink on paper
- Page extent
- 6 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
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Unpublished paper, 'Geographical position of the principal points of the Triangulation of Californias and of the Mexican Coasts of the Pacific, with the heights of the principal points of that part of the Cordilleras' by Vincent Piccolimini, 09 January 1840, AP/23/38, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/ap_23_38/unpublished-paper-geographical-position-of-the-principal-points-of-the-triangulation-of-californias-and-of-the-mexican-coasts-of-the-pacific-with-the-heights-of-the-principal-points-of-that-part-of-the-cordilleras-by-vincent-piccolimini, accessed on 13 February 2025
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This item is part of:
Archived papers: volume 23, scientific papers submitted the Royal Society unpublished or abstracted, 1838-1840
1838-1840 Reference number: AP/23
Related Fellows
John Frederick William Herschel
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Archived Papers
Dates: 1768-1989
The 'Archived Papers' collection is comprised of original manuscript scientific papers and letters submitted to the Royal Society which remained unpublished or were abstracted in the journal 'Proceedings of the Royal Society' published from 1830 onwards.View collection