Unpublished paper, 'On the relative attractions of sulphuric acid for water, under particular circumstances: with suggestion of means of improving the ordinary process of manufacturing sulphuric acid' by Henry Hough Watson
Reference number: AP/21/22
Date: 28 May 1838

Watson, Corresponding Member of the Manchester Philosophical Society, sets out to determine at what degree of concentration the affinity of sulphuric acid for aqueous vapour is equal to that of anhydrous space for the same vapour at given temperatures.
Subject: Chemistry
Received 14 June 1838. Communicated by John Dalton.
Whilst the Royal Society declined to publish this paper in full, an abstract of the paper was published in volume 4 of Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London [later Proceedings of the Royal Society] as 'On the relative attractions of sulphuric acid for water, under particular circumstances: with suggestion of means of improving the ordinary process of manufacturing sulphuric acid'.
A version of this paper was published by Watson in the Journal of the Franklin Institute, of the State of Pennsylvania, for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts: Watson, Henry H. 'On the relative attractions of Sulphuric Acid for water, under particular circumstances; with suggestions of means of improving the ordinary process of manufacturing Sulphuric Acid'. Journal of the Franklin Institute, of the State of Pennsylvania, for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts, volume 23, number 1 (1839), p. 69.
- Reference number
- AP/21/22
- Earliest possible date
- 28 May 1838
- Physical description
- Ink on paper
- Page extent
- 38 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
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Unpublished paper, 'On the relative attractions of sulphuric acid for water, under particular circumstances: with suggestion of means of improving the ordinary process of manufacturing sulphuric acid' by Henry Hough Watson, 28 May 1838, AP/21/22, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/ap_21_22/unpublished-paper-on-the-relative-attractions-of-sulphuric-acid-for-water-under-particular-circumstances-with-suggestion-of-means-of-improving-the-ordinary-process-of-manufacturing-sulphuric-acid-by-henry-hough-watson, accessed on 15 February 2025
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On the relative attractions of sulphuric acid for water, under particular circumstances: with suggestion of means of improving the ordinary process of manufacturing sulphuric acid External link, opens in new tab.
Date: 31st December 1843
DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1837.0040
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Referee's report by John Frederic Daniell, on a paper 'On the relative attractions of sulphuric acid for water, under particular circumstances: with suggestion of means of improving the ordinary process of manufacturing sulphuric acid' by Henry Hough Watson
Creator: John Frederic Daniell Reference number: RR/1/258
This item is part of:
Archived papers: volume 21, scientific papers submitted the Royal Society unpublished or abstracted, 1836-1838
1837-1838 Reference number: AP/21
Related Fellows
John Dalton
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