Unpublished paper, 'Remarks on certain statements of Mr [Michael] Faraday contained in the fourth and fifth series of his "Experimental Results in Electricity"' by John Davy
Reference number: AP/19/8
Date: 04 November 1834

Davy complains that Faraday has, in the paper referred to, made certain statements with respect to the opinions of Sir Humphry Davy relative to the conducting powers of dry nitre, and caustic potash and soda, when in fusion by heat, and also with regard to other matters connected with voltaic electricity, which are not correct; and vindicates Sir Humphry Davy from the charge of want of perspicuity in the statement of his views of these subjects.
Subject: Physics / Electricity
Received 26 December 1834.
Written by Davy in Malta.
Whilst the Royal Society declined to publish this paper in full, an abstract of the paper was published in volume 3 of Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London [later Proceedings of the Royal Society] as 'Remarks on certain statements of Mr. Faraday, contained in the fourth and fifth series of his experimental researches in electricity'.
- Reference number
- AP/19/8
- Earliest possible date
- 04 November 1834
- Physical description
- Ink on paper
- Page extent
- 16 pages
- Format
- Manuscript
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John Davy, Unpublished paper, 'Remarks on certain statements of Mr [Michael] Faraday contained in the fourth and fifth series of his "Experimental Results in Electricity"' by John Davy, 04 November 1834, AP/19/8, The Royal Society Archives, London, https://makingscience.royalsociety.org/items/ap_19_8/unpublished-paper-remarks-on-certain-statements-of-mr-michael-faraday-contained-in-the-fourth-and-fifth-series-of-his-experimental-results-in-electricity-by-john-davy, accessed on 08 February 2025
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Remarks on certain statements of Mr. Faraday, contained in the fourth and fifth series of his experimental researches in electricity External link, opens in new tab.
Date: 31st December 1837
DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1830.0186
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Unpublished paper, 'Note on the preceding remarks by Mr [John] Davy' by Mr [Michael] Faraday
Creator: Michael Faraday Reference number: AP/19/9
This item is part of:
Archived papers: volume 19, scientific papers submitted the Royal Society unpublished or abstracted, 1833-1835
1835 Reference number: AP/19
Related Fellows
Michael Faraday
Mentioned -
John Davy
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