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Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, volumes 117-120

Reference number: PT/73/13

Date: 1827-1830


Plates intended for publication in various papers published in volumes 117-120 of Philosophical Transactions. The plates have been removed from their associated manuscripts. Published plates were engraved by the Basire family.

Papers from volume 117 that correspond to the plates include:
'On the relative powers of various metallic substances as conductors of electricity' by William Snow Harris;
'On the structure and use of the submaxillary odoriferous gland in the genus crocodilus' by Thomas Bell;
'On the change in the plumage of some hen-pheasants' by William Yarrell;
'On the effects produced upon the air cells of the lungs when the pulmonary circulation is too much encreased' by Everard Home; and
'On the ultimate composition of simple alimentary substances; with some preliminary remarks on the analysis of organized bodies in general' by William Prout.

Papers from volume 118 that correspond to the plates include:
'On the resistance of fluids to bodies passing through them' by James Walker.

Papers from volume 119 that correspond to the plates include:
'On the nerves of the face; being a second paper on that subject' by Charles Bell.

Papers from volume 120 that correspond to the plates include:
'On the phenomena and laws of elliptic polarization, as exhibited in the action of metals upon light' by David Brewster; and
'A report on the stomach of the zariffa' by Everard Home.

Reference number
Earliest possible date
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Diagrams and paintings on paper
Page extent
14 illustrations

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Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, volumes 117-120, 1827-1830, PT/73/13, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 13 February 2025

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  • Philosophical Transactions

    Dates: 1802-1865

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