Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1845
Reference number: PT/29
Date: January 1842 - June 1845
Volume of the manuscript versions of papers published by the Royal Society in volume 135 of Philosophical Transactions in 1845.
The volume also includes some original illustrations and figures in various media (drawings, watercolours) in support of the papers.
Missing from this volume are manuscripts for the following papers:
'On the laws of the tides on the coasts of Ireland, as inferred from an extensive series of observations made in connection with the ordnance survey of Ireland' by George Biddell Airy;
'Electro-physiological researches.—third memoir. On Induced contractions' by Carlo Matteucci; and
'Contributions to the chemistry of the urine. On the variations in the alkaline and earthy phosphates in the healthy state, and on the alkalescence of the urine from fixed alkalies' by Henry Bence Jones.
- Reference number
- PT/29
- Earliest possible date
- January 1842 - June 1845
- Physical description
- Vellum-covered volume, gilded title on spine
- Page extent
- One volume containing 13 papers and two letters
- Format
- Manuscript
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Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1845, January 1842 - June 1845, PT/29, The Royal Society Archives, London,, accessed on 12 September 2024
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This volume contains 15 manuscripts:
Paper, 'On the temperature of the springs, wells and rivers of India and Egypt, and of the sea and table-lands within the tropics, with a few remarks on Mr Boussingault's mode of ascertaining the mean temperature of equinoctial regions' by Capt [Thomas John] Newbold
1842 Creator: Thomas John Newbold Reference number: PT/29/1 -
Letter, regarding submission of paper on the temperature of wells and thermal springs from Thomas John Newbold to S H [Samuel Hunter] Christie
15 July 1842 Creator: Thomas John Newbold Reference number: PT/29/1i -
Letter, ['An account of Newton’s dial presented to the Royal Society by the Rev Charles Turnor'] from Chas [Charles] Turnor to the Marquis of Northampton [Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton]
24 May 1844 Creator: Charles Turnor Reference number: PT/29/2 -
Paper, 'Aµóρфωτɑ. No 1, On a case of superficial colour presented by a homogeneous liquid internally colourless' by Sir John Frederick William Herschel
25 January 1845 Creator: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: PT/29/3
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Philosophical Transactions
Dates: 1802-1865
The 'Philosophical Transactions' collection comprises manuscript versions of papers published in The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, the world’s first and longest continuously running journal dedicated to science.View collection