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Correspondence Explorer

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Showing 34 letters from 1847–1871

4 letters from John Frederick William Herschel; 30 letters from Julia Margaret Cameron

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Sir John Herschel serves his second term as President of the Royal Astronomical Society

1847: Until 1849

Sir John Herschel receives the Copley Medal

1847: Sir John Herschel receives the Copley Medal of the Royal Society "For his work entitled Results of Astronomical Observations made during the years 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837 and 1838, at the Cape of Good Hope; being a completion of a telescopic survey of the whole surface of the visible heavens, commenced in 1825"

Sir John Herschel publishes a paper

1847: Sir John Herschel publishes Results of astronomical observations made during the years 1834, 5, 6, 7, 8, at the Cape of Good Hope; being a completion of a telescopic survey of the whole surface of the visible heavens, commenced in 1825.


The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood is formed, by John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rosetti and others


Napoleon III is elected first President of France

20 December 1848


Sir John Herschel publishes Outlines of Astronomy.



Sir John Herschel is appointed Master of the Mint



Sir John Herschel serves as juror of the Great Exhibition



Birth of Constance Anne Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart


Sir John Herschel is elected Foreign Associate of the Institut de France


Sir John Herschel resigns from his position as Master of the Mint



Sir John Herschel publishes in the Proceedings of the Royal Society

1860: Sir John Herschel publishes some “Remarks on colour-blindness" extracted from a referee report on Pole’s paper on the same subject.


Death of Margaret Louisa Marshall, née Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart


William Morris established the decorative design firm of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Company (later Morris & Company)


Charles Dickens publishes Great Expectations as a three-volume book


Sir John Herschel publishes Physical Geography as part of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.


Abraham Lincoln begins his term as President of the United States

4 March 1861


Autograph letter signed by sender. Photographic news. Has heard about the John Frederick William Herschels.

26 February 1864 Sender: Julia Margaret Cameron Reference number: HS/5/159

Autographed letter. Note with some photographs. Has stopped photography for a few months

1865 Sender: Julia Margaret Cameron Reference number: HS/5/180

Autographed letter, incomplete. Family news.

Sender: Julia Margaret Cameron Reference number: HS/5/182

Sir John Herschel publishes his translation of Homer’s Iliad


Autographed letter, incomplete. Part of a love poem.

Sender: Julia Margaret Cameron Reference number: HS/5/175

Sir John Herschel publishes Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects



Benjamin Disraeli becomes Prime Minister

1 February 1868

William Gladstone becomes Prime Minister

1 December 1868


Jules Verne serializes Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea

1869: (Vingt Mille Lieues sous les Mers)


Autograph letter signed by sender. News of her sons. Has sold many of her photographs. Husband is in Ceylon.

6 February 1870 Sender: Julia Margaret Cameron Reference number: HS/5/170

Death of Sir John Herschel, at Collingwood, Kent

11 May 1871

Sir John Herschel is buried at Westminster Abbey

19 May 1871